to The
you ORDER the complete 67 ebook Library TODAY
A magnetized piece of iron will lift twelve times its
own weight. But demagnetized, it won’t even lift the weight of a
feather. Your mind works in a similar way. Magnetized with Creative
Thinking and Positive Expectation, you embody the “Law of
Attraction”. This means that what you think, say, and do attracts
an enormous number of external assets (the commitment, support, and
dedicated efforts of other people, the inherent advantages,
benefits, and rewards of every situation). This ebook contains 25
activities to help you understand and use the law of attraction
The fast-cut montage that begins the Secret video
features scenes from a mysterious green tablet - the Emerald Tablet.
The Secret book begins with an eight-word excerpt attributed to the
Emerald Tablet, circa 3000 BCE: "As above, so below. As within,
so without." But after the brief acknowledgement, Byrne and her
team of best selling authors and coaches never again mention this
Emerald Tablet nor the Hermetic philosophy and teachings associated
with it. Explore the Tablet's mysterious and universal
formula for personal transformation and collective evolution through
this much anticipated eBook. This wisdom was protected and became
the cornerstone for Hermetic sciences and philosophy.
To purchase the ebooks
individually ($1.99 each),
simply click on the book Title and you will be redirected.
To purchase the
entire Library ($49.50) at once, simply
click on the (seal) link below. "The
desire for success is as natural as breathing. From the moment we are
born we want to do more, get more, be more. Sometimes the urge for
more is drummed out of us by upbringing or culture, so you may have felt
compelled to lower your expectations and settle for a life less
extraordinary. If, however, you have recently resurrected your desire to
succeed, these e books are for you."
"Your Personal Road Map for
Success" by Donald Gordon Carty - A
step by step workbook guide for anyone interested in
Success — full of tips, questionnaires, self analysis,
and exercises!
"Attaining Your Desires" by Genevieve
Behrend - Written
as a complete seven-lesson course in dialogue form,
between a "Sage" and a "Pupil." The Sage is the
famous author and teacher, Judge Thomas Toward; the Pupil is you! "Just
How to Wake the Solar Plexus" by Elizabeth Towne - There
is a real sun center in us, the Solar (or Sun) Plexus. This is a great
nerve center situated in back of the stomach. When this central Sun,
from which all the nerves of the body radiate, is in its normal
condition, it steadily radiates a real energy, just as the sun does. "Secrets
of Mental Supremacy" by W.R.C. Latson M.D. - In the
brief articles which will make up this series my object will be to
present in the shortest, plainest, and most practical manner methods
which, in my experience and that of many others who have been more or
less under my influence, have seemed to be conducive to increased mental
"Your Invisible Power" by Genevieve
Behrend - This one takes you right to the heart of manifesting
"things" or conditions that you want in your Life! Scroll
Down to Buy just the Self-Help, Success eBooks you like
Buy the Entire Success Library at one time FOR JUST
67 eBooks a
Value of up to $1675.00)
of 5 stars Here's what
David Elliott of Nacka Sweden had to say of the Success Library "Dear
Mr. Carty, I thought I would just send a quick message to say how
incredibly pleased I am with the success library, it is without doubt
the best purchase I have EVER MADE. Since leaving the most destructive
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Sincerely yours, David Elliott
67 of the Greatest Classic Self Help, Success,
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Transformation ebooks ever written. From timeless Sages to present day Gurus these books
distill Centuries of Wisdom into some pretty hard hitting and important
messages. Your
very own Success Library. If
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BONUS eBOOKs if you ORDER the complete 67 ebook Library TODAY
can't imagine needing any other
success resource after purchasing the
Success Library. It has every
piece of wisdom you'll every need to
make your life extraordinary." Imagine landing on just one solution that
catapults you to a life you always wished you'd have, one that's abundantly
rich and rewarding in every facet. That solution exists. In fact, it exists
today, this very moment - in your own mind! Every person walking this planet
carries this key, but few know how to plumb their minds depths to excavate a
more rewarding life for themselves. Your better life is already housed within
you. It doesn't matter how you grew up, or what
you've struggled with in life - your mind is unscathed by any circumstance
you've yet lived...and it's phenomenally powerful! This collection of
Classic self-help ebooks show you how to excavate the wonderful gem of your
mind. Learn from the Classics (as millions
before you) how to believe in and act out the greatness of your own mind. To purchase the ebooks
individually ($1.99 each),
simply click on the book Title and you will be redirected.
To purchase the
entire Library ($49.50) at once, simply
click on the (seal) link below. Own the
Greatest eBook Library of Self Help, Success, Spiritual and Personal
Transformation eBooks available online. "Some of
the ebooks below are less about religion or theology than personal
spiritual awakening and the expansion of awareness. Consequently, they
focus on the slow
discovery of purpose over a lifetime. By finding out what it is that
transforms other people, we can begin to understand our own spiritual
potential." "Jesus:
The Man and His Work" by Wallace D. Wattles - In
these days of idol smashing and rapid readjustment of ideals this lecture is
most timely. Delivered at the Auditorium, Cincinnati, November 11, 1905,it
made so favorable an impression on certain listeners that they determined to
have it printed if Professor Wattles would furnish the manuscript. (More
Wallace D. Wattles eBooks Below) (Go
here for a Special
Wallace D. Wattles eBook Collection) "A
New Christ" by Wallace D. Wattles - This series will not be
an attempt to prove something about Christ; it will be an effort to
ascertain by scientific study, what He was, how He lived, and what He
taught. Too many people have studied Jesus from the standpoint of some
preconceived notion of Him or His mission, such an attitude always leads to
erroneous conclusions. (More
Wallace D. Wattles
eBooks Below)
(Go here for a Special
Wallace D. Wattles eBook Collection)
"Bible Mystery and Bible
Meaning" by Thomas Troward - The
title is self-explanatory: it sets out to expound many of the mysteries
contained in the Bible, and it succeeds!
An excellent launching pad to a deeper meaning. (More Thomas Troward
eBooks Below) "The Varieties of Religious
Experience" by William James - It's an intellectual call for serious religious tolerance--indeed,
respect--the vitality of which has not diminished through the subsequent
Tune with the Infinite" by Ralph Waldo Trine - There is a
golden thread that runs through every religion in the world. There is a
golden thread that runs through the lives and the teachings to all the
prophets, seers, sages, and saviors in the world's history, through the
lives of all men of truly great and lasting power.
These are the full versions written by the
original authors. Buy only the ebooks you want for
$1.99 each or buy the
entire Library at one time for less than Keep in mind that these
books are sold on the internet for anywhere between $2 (if you can find
them!) to $25 (some of these Books are either out of print or hard to
find!). At On this page you'll be
able to buy as many of the books as you like, or the whole Library in
one go. Here is what's on
offer in the ...listen to a 60sec message
from the publisher Donald Gordon Carty...
Down to Buy the Greatest Self Help eBooks
Buy the Entire Success Library at one time
67 eBooks a
Value of up to $1675.00)
of 5 stars Thomas Carlyle wrote,. "If we think about it, all
that a university or final highest school can do for
us, is still but what the first school began doing -
teach us to read. We learn to read in various
languages, in various sciences; we learn the alphabet
and letters of all manners of books.
But the place where we are to get knowledge,
even theoretically knowledge, is the books themselves.
It depends on what we read, after all manners
of professors have done their best for us.
The true university these days is a collection
of books!" Own the
Greatest "Think and Grow Rich"
by Napoleon Hill - This is
one of the most famous books ever written; even today, many successful
businessmen attribute their success to this book! Here
are money-making secrets that can change your life. Once you learn
and apply the simple, basic techniques revealed here, you will
have mastered the secret of true and lasting success. (Go
here for More
Napoleon Hill and the Law
of Success in Sixteen Lessons.) "The Master Key System" by Charles F. Haanel -
Master Key System is the only 24 Lesson presentation of
the Creative Power of Thought. It teaches the ultimate
principles, causes, effects, and laws that underlie all
attainment and Success. You will learn the solution to attaining your
goals and solving all your problems .... Personal,
Financial, and Business. (Go here for The
Master Key Collection) "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles -
Wattles says
his book is "Intended for the men and women whose most pressing
need is for money; who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward.
(More Wallace D. Wattles eBooks Below). (Go here for a Special
Wallace D. Wattles eBook Collection) "As a Man Thinketh"
by James Allen - Few
books have been so widely read, have stood the test of time, have had such an impact on generations of readers, and
have carried such a simple, profound message. A
set of philosophical musings on the power of our thoughts. (More James
Allen eBooks Below) "The Science of
Being Well" by Wallace D. Wattles - The
Science of Being Well, written in the same spirit of The Science of
Getting Rich and Science of Being Great, is geared for healthier living.
A great addition to the collection. (More Wallace D. Wattles eBooks Below)
(Go here for a Special
Wallace D. Wattles eBook Collection) "Acres of Diamonds" by Russell H. Conwell -
It remains a significant, and
inspirational, lesson about where the true riches in life may be found.
One of the greatest speeches ever written. If you wish to be great, begin with who you are
right now, where you are right now. It gives a Spiritual and
Intellectual look at yourself. "Fundamentals
of Prosperity" by Roger W. Babson - "What They
are and Whence They Come". Babson sees clearer and farther than any
businessman and has the courage and devotion to say what he sees. (1920). A great addition to
any Christian collection. "The
Science of Being Great" by Wallace D. Wattles - This
is truly a treasure: A powerful message that will be of value to every
person who seeks true fulfillment and the awakening of highest
potential. "think, Think, THINK" is the message. (Go here for
a Special Wallace D.
Wattles eBook Collection) "The Magic Story"
by Frederick Van Rensselaer
Dey - Very important and life-changing story. See for yourself! "How to Live on 24 Hours a Day"
by Arnold Bennett
- This
classic personal time-management book originally published in
1908 has inspired generations of men and women to live
deliberate lives.
"Art of War" by Sun Tzu
- For
more than two thousand years, Sun-tzu's The Art of War has
leaders with essential advice on battlefield tactics
and management strategies. An elemental part of Chinese
culture, it has also become a touchstone for the Western
struggle for survival. If
you're in a hurry, CLICK BELOW to buy the e Buy just the
Buy the Entire Library at one time
67 eBooks a
Value of up to $1675.00)
of 5 stars
Own the
Greatest Collection of Self Help, Success, Spiritual and Personal
Transformation eBooks available online.
Message to Garcia" by Elbert Hubbard - The essay
originally ran in Hubbard's magazine, The Philistine, in February, 1899.
Inspired by its message, George Daniels of the New York Central Railroad
asked permission to reprint and distribute 500,000 copies.
"The Power of Concentration" by Theron Q. Dumont -
A book about concentration: its importance, and how to train the mind to
concentrate. To make the greatest success of anything you must be able
to concentrate your entire thought upon the idea you are working on. "The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism" by Theron
Q. Dumont - 'Magnetism' is what these old-timers coined what we now
know as Energy. This book teaches how to exert a powerful, irresistible
influence upon the reason or will of another. "The Secret of Success" by William W. Atkinson
- A course of Nine Lessons on the subject of the Application of the
latent Powers of the individual Toward Attainment of Success in Life. "Thought Vibration"
by William W. Atkinson - Contents: Law of attraction in the
thought world; Thought-waves and their power of reduction; About the
mind; Mind building; Secret of the will; Law, not chance; Training the
habit mind; and much more. "Thought-Force in Business and Everyday Life" by William
W. Atkinson - Being a series of Lessons in Personal Magnetism
Psychic Influence, Thought Force Concentration, Will Power and practical
mental Science. "Practical Mental Influence" by William W. Atkinson
- A course of lessons on Mental Vibrations, Psychic Influence, Personal
Magnetism, Fascination, Psychic Self Protection. Containing Practical
Instruction, Exercises, Directions etc. Capable of being understood,
mastered and demonstrated by any person of average intelligence. "Above Life's Turmoil"
by James Allen - In this book Allen dissects the human
condition and like a master physician, he offers solutions in his
haunting and truthful style. "Byways to Blessedness" by James
- A very inspirational and popular title. Right Beginnings; Small
Duties and Tasks; Standing Alone; Understanding the Simple Laws of Life;
and much more. If
you're in a hurry,
to buy the entire
Buy just the
Buy the Entire
of 5 stars "Those who are touched by an
inspirational idea and allow it to take charge
and dominate their thoughts find new vistas
open to them. This collection contains books that
have motivated and guided men and women
throughout the ages, and can serve as a source
of inspiration as you read and contemplate.
They represent the words and experience of
poets, prophets, writers, and gurus who
express one common knowing, that being that
"all things are One."
"The Way of Peace" by James Allen
- As the effect is related to the cause, so is prosperity and power
related to the inward good, and poverty and weakness to the inward evil.
"Love Does Not Judge" quote..
"The Path of Prosperity" by James Allen
- Contents: Lesson of Evil; Way out of undesirable conditions; silent
power of thought; Realization of prosperity; Secret of abounding
happiness; Secret of health, success, and happiness; and much more.
"The Greatest Thing Ever Known" by Ralph Waldo Trine
- The moment we fully and vitally realize who and what we are, we then
begin to build our own world even as God builds his.
"This Mystical Life of Ours" by Ralph Waldo Trine
- A book of suggestive thoughts for each week of the year. Fresh
beginning; Supreme fact of life; Not repression but self mastery; and
much more.
"The Man
Who Knew" by Ralph Waldo Trine
- Contents: Time, need, the man; Getting this, you have all; love and
the power of life; I am a man as you are; He called it "The
Way"; Sons of men living as sons of God; Source of His
genius; and much more
"The Wayfarer on the Open Road" by Ralph Waldo
- Being some thoughts and a little creed of wholesome living.
"What all the World's A-Seeking" by Ralph Waldo
- The Vital Law of True Life, True Greatness, Power, and
Happiness. Each is building his world from within. This book reveals
techniques for prosperity and spiritual success.
you're in a hurry, CLICK BELOW to buy the entire Success Library of
of the Greatest Classic Personal Development ebooks Now
for only $49.50!
Buy just the
Buy the Entire
eBooks a
Value of up to $1675.00)
of 5 stars "You
will have heard many times that 'you can change your life by changing
your thoughts and your mental habits,' but have you ever stopped to
consider what this means? These ebooks identify some of the most useful
ideas from writings specifically devoted to personal transformation."
"The Analysis of Mind" by Bertrand Russell
- One
of Russell's most important and interesting books which
reconciles the materialistic tendency of psychology with the
anti-materialistic tendency of physics.
"The Creative Process in the Individual" by Thomas
Troward - Asserts that heaven is a state of consciousness and
conditions where we experience Light, Joy, Peace, Abundance ect. in life
now. And since heaven is eternal, that means it is past, present
and future and forever. Along with his lecture-series: revolutionary.
"The Dore Lectures on Mental Science" by Thomas
- But if we grasp the truth that the thing is already existent in the
thought, do we not see that this transcendent Omega must be already in
the Divine ideal of every one of us?
"The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science" by Thomas
- How we are "distribution centers for Divine unlimited creative
power". Leads you to understand the Laws of Cause and Effect
and The Descent of Spirit into Matter and how to use these Laws to
create your own positive unlimited life.
"The Power of Silence" by Horatio W. Dresser
- An interpretation of life in its relation to health and happiness. The
art and science of the inner life investigated in the freest spirit
without regard to specific doctrines.
"Common Sense: How to Exercise It" by Blanchard
- In these pages, you will learn how to acquire and
develop common sense and practical sense, how to apply them in your
daily life, and how to utilize them profitably in the business world.
"Within You is the Power" by Henry Thomas Hamblin
- The enlightened message of
this book moves forward in time with grace and ease, and
serves to help bring the inner power of mind and spirit
onto harmony with Universal Law.", explains
Donald G. Carty.
"The Life of the Spirit" by Henry Thomas Hamblin
- It is simply a beautiful book, one that hits straight and deep in the
heart. It is full of truth and undoubtedly God inspired.
you're in a hurry, CLICK BELOW to buy the entire Success Library of
of the Greatest Classic Self-Help ebooks Now
for only $49.50!
Buy just the
Buy the Entire
eBooks a
Value of up to $1675.00
Plus ORDER NOW and receive a special Surprise eBook by
Wallace D. Wattles)
of 5 stars "A
tremendous resource for anyone seeking a look at the
philosophies of many self-help legends. Because the range and depth of sources are so
huge, the cumulative reading effect is amazing. Alternatively, they
educate and edify, affirm and inspire. Often both."
"The Power of Thought" by Henry Thomas Hamblin
- This book shows that you can , by changing your thoughts
and mental attitude, "reverse the lever" and come into harmony
with the Divine Idea. When this is accomplished your life will blossom
like the rose.
"The Mental Cure" by Warren Felt Evans
- Illustrating the Influence of the Mind on the Body, Both in Health and
Disease, and the Psychological Method of Treatment.
"A Textbook of
Theosophy" by C.W. Leadbeater
- Great overview, written in a straightforward and easily understandable
manner. Discusses the evolution of life, man, the planet and our purpose
here without being dogmatic.
"The Science of Mind" by Ernest Holmes
- Using creative techniques, Holmes guides you in easy-to-follow
steps toward mastering the powers of the mind to find purpose in life.
Includes explanations on how to pray and meditate, heal oneself spiritually,
find self confidence, and express love.
"The Greatest Thing in the World" by Henry Drummond
- Drummond, a nineteenth century Christian missionary,
lays out his case that Love is the key ingredient to a successful life
with precision, logic and eloquence
"Self-Help; National and Individual" by Samuel
Smiles - This literary hybrid turns biography into an
inspirational medium that awakens the reader to their own potential and
instills the desire to succeed. The precursor to today's motivational
and self help literature.
"The Multiple Mentality Course" by Harry Kahne -
The original "multitasking" training system. Want or need to
do 2 or more things at once? Read this! A true course in Right/Left
Brain training.
"Your Forces and How to Use Them" by Christian
- Treatise on the nature of soul and its attributes of Wisdom
and Supreme Power.
you're in a hurry, CLICK BELOW to buy the entire Success Library of
of the Greatest Classic Success ebooks Now
for only $49.50!
Buy just the
Buy the Entire
eBooks a
Value of up to $1675.00
Plus ORDER NOW and receive a special Surprise eBook by
Wallace D. Wattles)
of 5 stars "Own the best
ebooks on achieving happiness and a sense of
purpose. Explore the landmark ebooks in
motivation, prosperity and leadership. Discover the great works of personal awakening and enlightenment."
"How to Find Your Real Self" by Mildred Mann
- There is certainly nothing more necessary in the world today than a practical
philosophy of life. One which is liveable, useable, expendable.
"Self Mastery through Conscious Autosuggestion" by Emile
Coué - This work emphasizes the role of positive thinking in
self-improvement. This man invented Autosuggestion (autogenic training) for use
in healing and improving oneself.
by Aesop - A collection of more than 300 fables by the ancient
grandmaster of fables himself. Great stuff to think about and read.
"Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius
- Meditations remains one of the greatest
works of spiritual and ethical reflection ever written.
"The Manual" by Epictetus - The Enchiridion ; Could be called
"the very first self-help book." This Greek philosopher wrote
a small but powerful tractate on living a content and happy life. Marcus
Aurelius was greatly influenced by the teachings of Epictetus.
"The Prophet" by Khalil Gibran - A brilliant man's
philosophy on love, marriage, joy and sorrow, time, friendship and much
more. His words have a power and lucidity that in another era would
surely have provoked the description "divinely inspired".
"The Madman" by Kahlil Gibran - Equally as
important as "The Prophet." Thought provoking
collection of life affirming parables and poems.
"Walking" by Henry David Thoreau - One of the
greatest American authors himself talks about walking; serenity,
meditation; peace. Awakens the senses and the soul to the "absolute
freedom and wildness" of nature.
you're in a hurry, CLICK BELOW to buy the entire Success
Library of 67
of the Greatest Classic Self Help ebooks Now
for only $49.50!
Buy just the
Buy the Entire
eBooks a
Value of up to $1675.00
Plus ORDER NOW and receive a special Surprise eBook by
Wallace D. Wattles)
of 5 stars "The
mood and richness of the original
works have been preserved in this magnificent
"Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse -
Siddhartha's life takes him on a journey toward enlightenment. It
parallels the life of Buddha and seems to argue that lessons of this
sort cannot be taught but come from one's own struggle to find truth.
"Adventures in Contentment" by David Grayson
- If you are a person of thought, this book will move you. Grayson
will take you on a tour of his farm and his mind. He Advocates crowding
into your life, every possible fine experience and adventure.
"Adventures in Friendship" by David Grayson
- The author gently leads you to rediscover that plainest, commonest
and rarest thing - friendship. We may well be silent with a friend.
"Great Possessions" by David Grayson
- It is a symphony for the five senses, recognizing the best in
each of them. Grayson, advocates crowding into your life, every
possible fine experience and adventure.
"The Friendly Road -or- New Adventures in Contentment"
by David Grayson
- I invite you to travel with me upon this friendly road. You may find,
as I did, something which will cause you for a time, to forget yourself
in contentment.
Buy the Entire Success eBook Library at one time
67 eBooks a
Value of up to $1675.00)
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